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EE Tools

The Ministry of Power, Government of India, under the provision of the Energy Conservation Act of 2001, launched the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) in May 2007 for its voluntary adoption in the country. Since then, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has been promoting the implementation of the ECBC through several capacity building programs. United States Agency for International Development (USAID) supported Energy Conservation and Commercialization - Phase III (ECO-III) Project has been working closely with BEE on these initiatives. During these capacity building efforts, a strong need was felt to assist architects and engineers at the design stage so that they are able to assess the conformance of their proposed buildings with respect to the ECBC and accordingly incorporate design improvements. It is with this objective that the development of two ECBC Conformance Check tools, ECOnirman Prescriptive Tool and ECOnirman Whole Building Performance Tool, was undertaken by ECO-III in partnership with BEE.

BEE also has, as one of its primary objectives, focused on efforts to reduce energy intensity of the Indian economy by reducing the wasteful use of energy and bridging the power demand-supply gap. This has led to an initiative to provide sector-specific energy consumption data and the development of an energy benchmarking model. In collaboration with BEE, ECO-III has developed ECObench, a benchmarking tool to measure the performance of commercial buildings.

ECOnirman Prescriptive - ECBC Conformance Check

ECOnirmanPrescriptive2ECOnirman Prescriptive Tool is an online tool for assessing conformance with the ECBC using the Prescriptive method. It enables building developers and designers to test their building design against the prescriptive requirements of the code. more…

ECOnirman Whole Building Performance - ECBC Conformance Check

ECOnirman V 0.21ECOnirman Whole Building Performance Tool is an online tool to assess conformance with the ECBC using the Whole Building Performance (WBP) method. It enables building developers and designers to test their building design using the energy more…

ECObench – Building Energy Benchmarking

ECObench1Buildings must continuously monitor and improve their performance in order to transition to an energy efficient economy. It is important to improve the design, construction, maintenance, and operation of buildings by measuring the energy performance against established benchmarks, more…

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EE Tools Brochure (848.33KB)
added: 21/09/2024
clicks: 1304

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