Sr. Program Director
Ravi Kapoor has been working with USAID ECO-III Project since May 2007. The Project is being implemented by International Resources Group (IRG) in association with Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE). He specializes in Energy Efficiency. Before joining ECO-III Project he was actively involved in the management and monitoring of several energy programs supported by the Government of India (GoI) and International Development Agencies such as USAID, DANIDA, GTZ, EU and UNDP.
As a member of ECO-III Project Team, he has provided technical and managerial inputs towards the promotion of Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) in the new commercial buildings, and Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB) Program for India. He has been a major contributor in the development of several technical documents such as ECBC User Guide, ECBC Tip Sheets on Building Envelope, Lighting Design and HVAC, Energy Assessment Guide for Commercial Buildings, Energy Efficiency in Hospitals – Best Practice Guide. He has also co-authored a paper on ‘ECBC Implementing Strategy in India’.
He has also developed a number of documents on NZEBs, such as Consortium Charter for NZEB Program in India, Collaboration Network on NZEB between GOI and US Government, and Technology Adaption Framework for NZEBs. He was also responsible for the establishment of Regional Energy Efficiency Centres in three organizations – CEPT Ahmedabad, WBREDA Kolkata and SEE Tech Nagpur for promoting energy efficiency in buildings, home appliances and industrial furnaces in Small & Medium Enterprises, respectively.
He is an Engineer from Indian Institute Technology, Delhi with Post Graduation in Energy Efficiency. He has experience of working with National Productivity Council, Energy Management Centre (now BEE) and DANIDA. To promote energy audit services in the industrial sector under UNDP Project, he managed a network of four organisations (Confederation of Indian Industry, Chennai; National Productivity Council, Calcutta; PHD Chambers of Commerce & Industry, New Delhi; and National Small Industries Corp. Rajkot). He also managed an institutional strengthening and capacity building program on energy management, funded by European Union. Under the program, the professional capacity of three Regional Institutes (Tata Energy Research Institute, Bangalore; National Productivity Council, Kanpur; Maratha Chambers of Commerce & Industry, Pune) was strengthened through ‘Energy Audit Bus Programme’.