Title: Regional Workshop on Building Physics & Energy Simulation for Architecture and Engineering Students (18 - 21 July 2024), New Delhi
Location: Casuarina Hall, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
Start Date: 2024-07-18
End Date: 2024-07-21
The key objectives of the workshop are:
- To develop capacity of students, studying built environment, in the fundamentals of building physics and energy simulation;
- To encourage and catalyze the incorporation of these subjects in the design studio;
- To facilitate a network of key architectural and engineering institutions allowing for future interactions and deliberations;
- To identify gaps and opportunities to enhance the architectural education to develop future professionals capable of delivering energy efficient and sustainable buildings;
- To provide an overview of the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC)
1. Curriculum Enhancement Program
2. Overview of Building Energy Scenario and ECBC
3. Energy Simulation
Download Items
ECBC User Guide v 2.0 (3.76MB)
added: 01/04/2024
clicks: 18472
clicks: 18472
Tip Sheet on Building Envelope (March 2011) (714.67KB)
added: 03/08/2024
clicks: 3147
clicks: 3147
Tip Sheet on Lighting (March 2011) (577.95KB)
added: 03/08/2024
clicks: 3597
clicks: 3597
Tip Sheet on HVAC System (March 2011) (746.26KB)
added: 13/08/2024
clicks: 6966
clicks: 6966
Tip Sheet on Energy Simulation (March 2011) (422.01KB)
added: 03/08/2024
clicks: 2615
clicks: 2615
added: 13/08/2024
clicks: 3809
clicks: 3809
List of Reference Books (1.09MB)
added: 26/08/2024
clicks: 1339
clicks: 1339
added: 26/08/2024
clicks: 1833
clicks: 1833