
Roundtable on “Institutionalization of ECBC Training and Certification” (4 August 2024), New Delhi

Title: Roundtable on “Institutionalization of ECBC Training and Certification”
Location: USAID ECO-III Project Office, New Delhi
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2024-08-04
End Time: 13:00


Organized a roundtable on “Institutionalization of ECBC Training and Certification” in partnership with Bureau of Energy Efficiency on August 4, 2024 at New Delhi to discuss content, approach, procedure and other aspects related to institutionalization of ECBC Training and Certification program for users (design professionals, developers, etc.) and code compliance officials.


The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has been promoting the implementation of the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) through several capacity building programs. In collaboration with ECO-III Project, BEE has developed the ECBC User Guide and ECBC Tip Sheets for raising awareness among stakeholders on ECBC. Building on these efforts, there is a pressing need to institutionalize a training and certification program for users (design professionals, developers, etc.) and code compliance officials, to ensure that these constituents are conversant with ECBC.
The ECBC Standardized Training Package has been developed by the ECO-III under BEE’s guidance, to help expedite ECBC implementation. The training material has been developed with the help of several technical resources, including the ECBC Tip Sheets and ECBC User Guide. A number of illustrations and tables have been included to illustrate technical topics in an “easy to understand” manner. BEE formally launched this standardized training package on December 10, 2010.
The objective of the training package is to enhance ECBC awareness, provide administrative and technical guidance towards code compliance, help understand the technical basis of ECBC requirements and introduce the participants to other useful resources. The package includes following nine modules;

  1. ECBC Awareness: A brief introduction to the background and development of ECBC and its significance in terms of energy savings.
  2. ECBC Scope & Administration: An overview of the scope as well as the various compliance approaches.
  3. Building Envelope
  4. Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning
  5. Service Hot Water and Pumping
  6. Lighting
  7. Electrical power
  8. ECBC Compliance: The module discusses the compliance procedure and requirements (documents)
  9. Building Physics

added: 26/08/2024
clicks: 630

List of Participants
added: 26/08/2024
clicks: 789

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